The central Saloon Bar vestibule and left-side disused Public Bar entrance (now a fire-escape) both retain fine brass plates and curved-cornered windows. Another ex-door on the right denotes that the pub was originally built with three separate bars; the internal walls were knocked through to create one lengthy room c. 1967/8. Marking the old divisions is a couple of back-to-back original fireplaces in grey marble; three of the four sides bear a carved horse-rider panel in the quality wood surround.
A horse rider motif again appears in the central panel of the long, gently curving counter. Although original, this counter now runs the full length of the pub though the old wall divisions and it would appear that that the central part was truncated and the two ends re-situated to create what we now see.
A horse rider motif again appears in the central panel of the long, gently curving counter. Although original, this counter now runs the full length of the pub though the old wall divisions and it would appear that that the central part was truncated and the two ends re-situated to create what we now see.

The Ladies Mile, 2 Mackie Avenue, Patcham, Brighton, BN1 8RA.